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Gemma Moore Hypnobirthing

For a calm and positive birth experience

Providing high quality Hypnobirthing Courses and pregnancy relaxation sessions in Melksham, Corsham, Chippenham and surrounding areas.

Techniques to help you feel informed,calm,confident and empowered HOWEVER you birth your baby.


 Hello, I'm so glad you have found Hypnobirthing! You're probably here because you want to know a bit more about what Hypnobirthing is and how it can help you. You may also be feeling a little anxious and apprehensive about giving birth.

I hear you!!! I felt exactly the same when I fell pregnant. Whether this is your first, second or third pregnancy I hope I can help you feel more relaxed, calm and confident about your baby's upcoming birth.


Hypnobirthing is rational, logical & scientific.


I offer bespoke one to one & group Hypnobirthing courses and Pregnancy relaxation sessions. I also run Caesarean workshops and Hypnobirthing essentials/refresher sessions.

So whatever your budget I hope I can help you.


  You can expect a logical, clear and honest approach to Hypnobirthing. I will provide you with knowledge about birth, how your body works during labour and how you can manage any pain that you may experience. I will support ALL of the choices you make. I also give you the tools to make these choices during my my fun & engaging courses with warmth & simplicity.


Below you will find a little more about what I can offer you.

Gemma pointing to a picture to show another person

Bespoke One to One Hypnobirthing Courses

 A full bespoke one to one Hypnobirthing course in the privacy of your own home at a date and time to suit you. (In person or online.) Take the fear & anxiety out of your upcoming birth and start to feel excited, calm and confident about the day you birth your baby. 

You will learn the power of relaxation, the mind body connection and how this links to birth. Knowing and understanding the birth process and how to make informed decisions so you can feel calm and confident every step of the way. Your birth partner will also benefit from Hypnobirthing, giving them an active role to play at the birth.

This course can be spread over 3 or 4 weeks depending on your preference and each session lasts approx 2/2.5 Hours.


A group of people at a Hypnobirthing course

Group Hypnobirthing Courses

A Group Hypnobirthing course is a great way to meet other expectant couples while learning how to prepare for a positive birth. You will learn the same information as on a one to one course but in a group environment. These courses are available in person at Simply Space Yoga Room, Shaw, Melksham or online and are also run over 4 weeks. Each session lasting approx 2/2.5hours.


Pregnancy Relaxation Classes

My beautiful pregnancy relaxation sessions are designed for women at any stage of pregnancy. They are informal, informative, calming and relaxing. Relaxation can provide huge benefits for you and your baby.  
Each week you will get to enjoy some deep relaxation, helping you to bond with your unborn baby, we will discuss topics each week to help you prepare for birth some of which include:


-The fear,tension, pain cycle and how to break this.
-How your birth partner can support you through labour
-Understanding the maternity system and a useful tool to help you make informed decisions
-Birth planning/preferences for a vaginal and caesarean birth as well as exploring some of your options.


Gemma Moore laughing

Hypnobirthing Essentials

This course is ideal for those who may of found Hypnobirthing a bit later on in their pregnancy but would still like to prepare for their baby's birth. It also makes a great refresher for couples who have done Hypnobirthing before. 
The course will cover the key elements of hypnobirthing and it is a one off session (in person or online).

What's included:

  • Learn about the birth process

  • How to prepare your mind and body for birth

  • Relaxation tools

  • Breathing techniques

  • Birth positions

  • Birthing hormones plus relaxation MP3s.


Gemma Holding up a calm caesarean workbook

Caesarean Workshop

This workshop is to help support you to feel prepared for a caesarean section. Whether you are having a planned caesarean or you want to feel prepared for every eventuality. Whatever your reason this workshop is designed to help you to approach your caesarean without fear, gain greater understanding of your choices and ultimately have a calm and positive birth experience for you and your baby. 
This workshop is spread over 2 sessions, each session lasting approx 2.5hours.

The last Tuesday of every month I hold a Bumps and Brunch event at the Dandelion coffee house in Corsham, Wiltshire. 

This event is free and is a chance for you to meet other local mums-to-be in the area while enjoying a bite to eat and a beverage. You will also get to ask me any questions you may have surrounding labour and birth and pick up some tips on how you can have a calm and positive birth experience.

The next event is on Tuesday 28th May 10am-12pm

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If you would like to know more please contact me I would love to hear from you.

Benefits of Hypnobirthing

What are the benefits of Hypnobirthing?


  • Helps to eliminate fear and worry surrounding childbirth, which allows you to enjoy your pregnancy.

  • Helps you feel calmer and more relaxed during labour.

  • Doing a Hypnobirthing course can help you feel closer and more connected to your partner and birth partners also have an active role to play in birth rather than feeling like a spare part.

  • The techniques help you to feel more in control during your labour.


  •  Reduces levels of pain experienced (53% of those who used hypnobirthing during labour experienced slight or no pain compared to 6% who didn’t use hypnobirthing*)


  • Reduces the rate of an epidural (14% of those who used hypnobirthing during labour had an epidural compared to 40-95% of those who didn’t use hypnobirthing*)


  • Your baby can be born in a calm way which may help them to adjust to the outside world.

The calm breathing techniques can be used for pregnancy, birth and beyond into parenthood. ​


*Statistics from the Royal Wolverhampton NHS trust when looking into the effectiveness of hypnobirthing.



I offer complete birth preparation courses. You can choose to have a bespoke one to one where I come to your home to deliver the course and I can tailor it to your individual needs. This is spread over 3 or 4 weeks depending on your preference. Some of the things you will learn are: The birth process and what your amazing body actually does when you are in labour and birth a lot of people fear the unknown so this takes a lot of the fear out of birth. You will also learn lots of tools and techniques to stay calm and have a more comfortable birth. How the mind massively impacts the birth process, navigating the matertiny system and how and why to ask questions during your pregnancy and birth. We discuss the birth environment and how this impacts the hormones needed for birth and this is important however you birth your baby. Hypnobirthing can be used for every type of birth. 

My courses also give the birth partner an active role to play and lots of ways that they can support you.

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